Diane became passionate about the "new" science of the brain in the late 1970 and 80's. She wrote an unprecedented, well-publicized, seven-part series for Playboy on the subject with British filmmaker and author, Jo Durden-Smith, as well as the book: "Sex and the Brain." "Sex and the Brain" was the first published book for the layperson on the late 20th century heady time in the biological sciences, when researchers were peering into the human body and brain and asking: "so, who are we as a species?" Some were focusing on the differences being found between the sexes not only in body, but also in brain and behavior, endocrine and immune systems-- and thus "Sex and the Brain" which scrutinized research, met scientists, and describes the evolutionary nature of the equality of women and men. Ever since, she's sought more answers to THAT ONE question, "so, who are we...as a species?" ...She held a private psychotherapy practice and co-created two co-housing communities as she looked for answers. There's a memoir tucked into "Feathers Brush the Heart" (Warner Books 2002 ed. Sinclair Browning) titled ADELE. Then, she moved on to witness how culture attempts to dictate who we think we are -- thus "Dear Thailand: A Love Story" (Amazon, 2013)-covering up he fact that we're actually spiritual beings in human clothing. "Reconciliation Heaven and Earth " looks at what astrophysics can tell us about who we are. Focusing on physics, editing out the woo-woo, she affirms the fact that we are energy, consciousness, awareness. In late 2018, a short interactive book was published .".. stepping lightly through times of great change" asking us to WAKE UP to radically new truer versions of ourselves. "Now is the time to remember: We're Here to Create New Earth" expands upon the same theme - we're not here to play victims. We're here to be the highest versions of ourselves as we co-create New Earth. She currently lives with her partner, James Lewis Hamilton, an artist; remaining passionate about Thailand, "the force, the quantum field, transformation, and healing."