Alice Leahy is Director of Services of the Alice Leahy Trust. She was Co-Founder & Director of TRUST from 1975 – December 2015. The Alice Leahy Trust remains a non-judgemental, befriending, social and health service for people who are homeless.

Alice produced with two others “The Homeless Experience” a training module she co-facilitated for voluntary/community and statutory groups in Dublin. Alice is also an honorary member of Rotary Club Dublin and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship from The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Alice – a former nurse / midwife – with hospital consultants set up the first Intensive Care Unit of its type in Ireland at the request of the Medical Board at the then Royal City of Dublin Hospital in Baggot Street.

Alice is a former human Rights Commissioner, and former chairperson of the Sentence Review Group for prisoners, a contributor to public policy, writer, commentator and lecturer. Currently nominated for an international human rights award.