My name is Ashley Webster and let's be real, I am a romantic at heart who dreams of romance and happily ever after - be it bright and sunny or dark and mysterious. I was born and raised in Texas and am truly a Texas girl at heart, even have a small southern drawl to match. I am single mother and if any of you are single moms, you know that all of your time is devoted to your kids, but my two girls are my life, and I would not have it any other way. You can find me curled up with a book almost every night, because not only is it how I like to spend my me time, but it is an escape from the dishes, laundry, dance practices and daily routines. All us moms need that right? You will also find me cheering my daughters on while they hit the stage as competitive dancers or spending quality time with those closest to me, because those people are why I am here today, and they mean the world to me.

I spent my early career working in business administration and finance, but that quickly bored me to tears and I hated going to work daily. I have always had a passion for writing. It was an outlet and a way to explore a different reality when life was not as shiny as I wanted it to be. I decided to go for my dreams and quit the awful (to me) world of business and dedicate my time, energy, and heart into creating stories you can get lost in, because I understand the importance of that.

After almost ten years working in finance and three business degrees I hope to never use again, I got the crazy idea to go back to school to master my true passion at Southern New Hampshire University. While working toward that, I earned a place in the International English Honor Society and the National Society of Leadership. I wanted to pursue a degree in creative writing so that I could better master my craft and show my daughters that it is never too late to chase your dreams and create your own happily ever after. It may not look like I thought, but it is the greatest choice I ever made for myself, and it has led me here where I can do a job I love and connect with awesome people like you. You can get to know me through my writing, because I promise you, I put my whole heart into every story I touch.