Caroline has an LLB (Listening, Loving and Being) from the University of Life. She also graduated with a master’s degree in law from London School of Economics (University of London) and an honors degree in law from University of Westminster (London). She is a certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner Trainer and Master Practitioner. She is a certified Master Practitioner in Timeline Therapy™. She is a licensed Life Success Consultant and highly trained and experienced Professional Speaker. Healing therapies include Hypnotherapy and Theta Healing (used only as required). She is a lifelong learner. Following a successful career which included senior positions in local government and the charity sector, Caroline became an English solicitor in 2001 with SJ Berwin LLP (a top City of London and European law firm). She also set up her own successful law practice. She has been coaching and consulting attorneys, barristers, solicitors and judges who want more success in their lives and helping them reach their goals since 2004. She has sold and delivered training, consulting and coaching services to barristers’ chambers, law firms, local authorities and central government since 2003. She has also trained the police and members of the armed forces. She has worked with over 4000 lawyers in that time. She was an elected member of the Council of the Law Society of England and Wales for six years, chair of its Diversity Committee and member of its Management Board. Caroline was given an award for Services to the Legal Profession in 2008 and invited to the Queen’ Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.