For 11 years Elaine worked in services for people who have learning disabilities and was committed to multi-disciplinary approach to risk enablement and person centred planning. Elaine also worked for 8 years within a social services training section as both a training officer and then social services training manager. /par1/Elaine worked for BILD for 5 years, as a training associate, delivering a wide range of different training to staff across the health and social care sector and is a tutor, assessor and internal verifier for a range of qualifications, in additional to developing different policies and procedures for a number of both local and national organisations./par1/Elaine has had a number of materials published and including: training materials in the BILD ′Induction Trainer Pack, A brief guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005′ and ′A brief guide to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards′ that was aimed at family members and carers.