TREVOR STUBBS lived the first nineteen years of his life in Northampton, England. A fortunate choice of a secondary modern school and membership of an inspiring church youth group set him up well for eventual success in his A levels and a place at King's College, London to study theology. Three years voluntary service as a teacher in Papua New Guinea followed and after a year in St Augustine's College, Canterbury he was ordained in Wakefield Cathedral in 1974. As a curate in Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire he met and married Tina. A three-year appointment in Warwick, Queensland, Australia came next before a return to Yorkshire and an incumbency in Leeds. Moving to Dorset in 1989, Trevor served in two parishes over the next twenty years and then, finally, took up a post teaching in South Sudan. Retirement near Bristol saw the beginning of his writing career. Trevor is the author of four books in the White Gates series which he describes as 'fantasy fiction with a spiritual heart'. The Flip trilogy comes under the titles of On the Edge, Beyond the Horizon and The Daisychain. Trevor and Tina have three children and two grandchildren.