Chico Queiroz is a multimedia designer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Chico initiated his career back in 2000, soon after graduating in Communications / Advertising (PUC-Rio), working with advergames and webgames using Flash and Director at LocZ Multimedia, where he contributed to the design and development of games for clients such as Volkswagen and Parmalat, along with some independent titles. Chico has a Master's Degree in Digital Game Design (University for the Creative Arts, UK). His final project was exhibited at events and festivals such London Serious Games Showcase and FILE. Chico has also published articles at academic conferences and on websites such as, and He curated and organized an exhibition, held at SBGames 2009, which explored connections between video games and art. SBGames is the annual symposium of the Special Commission of Games and Digital Entertainment of the Computing Brazilian Society. Chico currently works as a Digital Designer at the Computer Graphics Technology Group (TecGraf), a lab within the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), where he, among other responsibilities, uses Unity to develop interactive presentations and concept prototypes for interactive visualization software. He also works as a lecturer at PUC-Rio, teaching undergraduate Design students 3D modeling and Technology / CG for Games – in which Unity is used as the engine for the students' projects. I would like to thank my friends, family, and all who have made this book possible and have helped me along the way. Special thanks to Stefano Corazza, Anais Gragueb, and Oliver Barraza for their fantastic work at Mixamo; Eduardo Thadeu Corseuil, my manager at TecGraf, for giving me the opportunity of using Unity in our interactive projects; Peter Dam and Peter Hohl from TecGraf, and Paul Bourke from the University of Western Australia, for their help and advice on stereo 3d visualization; Aldo Naletto for sharing his knowledge on sound engineering; and my students and colleagues at PUC-Rio Art & Design department. Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Ana and my daughters Alice and Olivia. Thank you for all your love and support.