Bass Jobsen lives in Orthen in the Netherlands. Bass tries to combine his interests in web technology with his compassion for a sustainable lifestyle. He therefore not only owns a web development company, but is also board member at the Energie Cooperatie 073. In his spare time, he plays tennis and spends a lot of time with his kids Kiki, Dries, Wolf, and Helena.
Bass has been programming the web since 1995, ranging from C to PHP. He is always looking for the most accessible interfaces. He has a special interest in the processes between designer and programmer. Web interfaces should work independently of devices or browsers in his opinion. He also works on the accessibility of Bootstrap and his JBST WordPress starters theme.
Delivering readable and maintainable code is important for his daily job so that's why he loves CSS preprocessors and other tools that stimulate DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) coding in web development. Also, Bootstrap helps him to work faster and make his clients and users more content.
With over 5 years of experience with Bootstrap, Bass has been actively contributing to the community with his blogs ( and Git repos ( He has created sites such as with Bootstrap. The newest version of JBST for Bootstrap 4 is already available at He released a CLI for Bootstrap 4 in March 2016 (
In the summer of 2016, Bass started teaching programming Scratch for primary school kids using the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on the edX-platform offered by Delft University of Technology.
He is also the author of, among others, Sass and Compass Designer's Cookbook with Packt Publishing and some other books on Less (Leaner CSS).