- - - Illumination Light of light shines bright Guides those with sight, wanes their plight Keeps steadfast on right - - - Omar L. Rashed is a man who wears many hats with one theme. He lives his name -- Rashed -- he helps others find their way. His most beloved occupation is husband -- King with the most amazing Queen in the world. His most treasured title is dad -- father of his little princess and two littler princes. His profession is professor at Rutgers University, where he teaches in the School of Social Work. His labor of love is Rashed Lights Ways, which shares gems of wisdom to help us live a fulfilling life and encourages in the digital conversation house we built to share our experiences on the path. www.RashedLightsWays.com His craft is polishing gems, helping others who would like to share their gems of writing with the world to shine brightest. www.RashedLightsWays.com I'm a lover of beauty, a lover of light, I share both of these in all that I write. To help give sight, help spirits take flight. But his greatest honor is to be known by his Creator. It is sufficient for my honor that You are My Lord, And it is sufficient for my dignity that I am Your servant. O God, You are as I love, so make me as You love Thanking Him, Glorified Be His Name, in the beginning and end