Casey Ellis is not a qualified dietitian, nurse, researcher or doctor. So how is she qualified to write this cookbook? She is a mum who for the last four years of her life she has lived, breathed and dreamt about low fructose and FODMAP foods, lactose, sucrose and gluten intolerance, as well as IBS. She has read countless books and research documents. She must get it right as if she makes a mistake with her cooking then she has unintentionally made her children sick. She has learnt to use the ingredients and balance what her children can tolerate, and has done her best to make sure that they miss out on as little of life's pleasure as possible. This book is the culmination of four years of throwing food in the bin because her kids wouldn't eat it. Best of all, she knows what kids like and believes she has created a great set of recipes with a challenging set of ingredients.