Raymond W. (Buddy) LaForge is the Brown-Forman Professor of Marketing at the University of Louisville. His research is published in many journals, including the JOURNAL OF MARKETING, JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, JOURNAL OF THE ACDEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE, among others. He has co-authored MARKETING; PRICIPLES & PERSEPCTIVES 5E, SALES MANAGEMENT: ANALYSIS AND DECISION MAKING 9E, PROFESSIONAL SELLING: A TRUST-BASED APPROACH 4E, STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: BREAKTHROUGH THINKING FOR BREAKTHROUGH RESULTS, and THE PROFESSIONAL SELLING SKILLS WORKBOOK. LaForge has served on the board of many organizations, including as Vice President/Marketing for the Academy of Business Education; Vice President of Marketing, Teaching, and Conferences for the American Marketing Association Academic Council; and as Chair and Vice Chair for Awards and Recognition for the American Marketing Association Sales Interest Group. Buddy has received a number of awards to include the Outstanding Sales Scholar Award from Mu Kappa Tau, Special Recognition Award from the American Marketing Association Sales SIG, Top Thirteen Faculty Favorites at the University of Louisville, Distinguished Scholar Award from the Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Distinguished Sales Educator Award from the University Sales Center Alliance, Undergraduate Teaching Award from the College of Business, Faculty Favorite Award from REACH Ambassadors, Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding College of Business Faculty Award, James M. Comer Award from the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Gerald E. Hills Best Paper Award from the American Marketing Association Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG, Sales Excellence Award from Louisville Sales Leaders, College of Business Student Council Faculty-of-the Year Award, Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Marketing Association Sales SIG, Lifetime Achievement Award from the Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship.