13 books • 4 series
Suwannee Wild
Miranda's Gold
To Light a New Fire
The Sandspur Special
The Long Road Home
Hitchcock, Alfred, Three-in-one Book (Alfred Hitchcock Books)
Myst Coughing Drag Ah14 3i (The Three Investigators, #14)
Myst Nerv Lion-Htck-Pa (The Three Investigators, #16)
Mystery of the Nervous Lion (The Three Investigators, #16) (Alfred Hitchcock Books) (Three Investigators Mysteries S., #16)
Htchk Myst Nerv Lion
Hitchck Mys Cough Dragon
Mystery of the Coughing Dragon (Three Investigators Mysteries S., #14) (The Three Investigators, #14) (Alfred Hitchcock Books)
The Great Southern Circus