Jacinta Jade is the author of the fantasy coming of age books, The Change Series. She loves a strong female lead, a good fight scene and surprising endings. Jacinta likes to make friends of strangers in local hangouts, enjoys competing in tower climbs and has held national titles in martial arts (with not too many injuries). When she isn't writing, Jacinta splits her time between counting down until the next Star Wars movie, playing games like Far Cry and Mass Effect and creating costumes for ComicCon. Jacinta does her best writing in beautiful, mysterious and random locations, but preferably the ones where a good cup of coffee might be close by. Currently, that location is Melbourne. To see when Jacinta's next book will come out, and a whole bunch of other random fun things - like which of her characters' injuries have actually happened to her - visit her website at www.jacintajadebooks.com, where you can also sign up to receive alerts on book releases.