Dr. Barry Kaplan has led many lives within his lifetime. He has served as both a U.S. Army Captain and an American Peace Corp volunteer. He has helmed mental health facilities for youth and bereavement groups for senior citizens. After rising through traditional ranks to serve as President of his regional Psychiatric Society, he worked as a consultant at the innovative Upledger Institute, renowned for its pioneering techniques in whole-body healing. Along the way, he and his wife raised and successfully launched four kids.Barry was born in the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pa.; a once thriving community of Jewish immigrants which features as a location in The Coin. Like the story's protagonist, Barry's father traveled from eastern Europe to America as a child on his own. Although the character similarities end there, such courageous voyagers are a hallmark of many American families. Barry has crafted The Coin in memory of all those family heroes, flawed and foible-filled, to whom we owe absolutely everything.