Xiaodong Wen received his Ph.D. degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. After his Ph.D., Prof. Wen joined the group of Prof. Roald Hoffmann (the 1981 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) and Dr. Neil Ashcroft at Cornell University as a postdoc. After three years, in 2010, he joined the group T-1 in LANL as a Seaborg Institute fellow, and worked on predicting actinide/magnetic materials using theoretical tools, and developing strongly correlated method. From 2014, Prof. Xiaodong Wen was selected as Hundred People Plan Program in Chinese Academy of Sciences, and awarded as National Thousand Young Talents Program of China. The researches of Prof. Wen are focused on rational design of catalysts (especially for carbon-based energy conversion) and materials (sustainable energy related materials) combining experimental and theoretical approach.