Shanmin Wang is a high-pressure (P) physicist and material scientist with extensive experience in diffraction studies of crystal structures, equations of state, phase transitions, and strongly correlated 3d systems, and hard/superhard ceramics. He has been working on synthesis, characterization, and modeling of catalyst materials, semiconductors and superconductors, hard/superhard materials, and nanostructured composites at high pressures. Prof. Wang has rich experience in use of high-P large-volume press and diamond-anvil cell. Very recently, using newly formulated high-P reaction routes, he has recently synthesized a number of novel transition-metal nitrides, including W2N3, W3N4, and 3R-MoN2, and most of them are potential industrial catalysts possessing superior catalytic properties. Overall, his scientific interests include new energy researches, condensed matter physics, materials sciences, and crystallography. His technical specialties cover high P-T and high-P/low-T instrumentations for neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction.