Xingchen Liu is a research scientist at the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He was born in 1984 in Shanxi Province, China. In 2002, he left for college education at Jilin University, where he got the degree of Bachelor of Science majored in chemistry in 2006, and the degree of Master of Science majored in physical chemistry in 2009. Afterwards, he studied in the field of theoretical chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Dennis Salahub at the University of Calgary as a graduate student. In 2015, after the Ph.D. graduation, he joined Dr. Xiaodong Wen's lab at the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and worked as a research scientist since then. Xingchen Liu's research focuses on the theoretical modelling of the heterogeneous catalytic materials at extreme conditions and complex environments. He also works on method developments for searching of reactions paths.