Jennifer Down is a writer and editor. She was named a Sydney Morning Herald Young Novelist of the Year consecutively in 2017 and 2018. Our Magic Hour, her debut novel, was shortlisted for the 2014 Victorian Premier's Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript. Her second book, Pulse Points, was the winner of the 2018 Readings Prize for New Australian Fiction and the 2018 Steele Rudd Award for a Short Story Collection in the Queensland Literary Awards, and was shortlisted for a 2018 NSW Premier's Literary Award. She lives in Naarm/Melbourne.
Sep 28, 2021
Cover of Bodies of Light

Bodies of Light

Oct 22, 2019
Cover of Aesop


Jul 31, 2017
Cover of Pulse Points

Pulse Points

Feb 24, 2016
Cover of Our Magic Hour

Our Magic Hour