Ronald H. Lands, MD is a clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where he practices and teaches hematology. He is an MFA alumnus of Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina. He has work published in anthologies including; Breathing the Same Air, an Anthology of East Tennessee Writers, Surreal South 2011, an Anthology of Short Fiction, Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Karen Spears Zachiarias, Volume XI, Kakalak 2018, as well as literary journals including; New Millennium Writings, Branchwood Journal, Wind, descant, The Distillery, Washington Square, Fourth River, Nassau Review, RiverSedge, the Big Muddy, Floyd County Moonshine, Conte, a Journal of Narrative Writing, Appalachian Heritage, Delta Poetry Review, Intima, a Journal of Narrative Medicine and others. He has published essays, clinical vignettes and poems from the intersection of writing and medicine in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of the American Geriatric Society and the Journal of Palliative Medicine. His work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
May 1, 2020
Cover of Final Path

Final Path