Richard Cavalier is an author of columns and books, a business management consultant, a playwright and a political activist. For decades, Cavalier has asked the tough questions. He considers that political correctness is ill-disguised censorship and that conventional wisdoms are usually more conventional than wise. He questions various business methodologies and finds better ways including the application of return-on-investment principles beyond the financials. His business management writings have covered topics ranging from effective sales meetings to instructional systems development. For New York University's School of Continuing Education, the author chaired the world's first conference on corporate incentive travel. Cavalier graduated from the University of Minnesota. Traveled in about forty countries, Cavalier has seen events and heard attitudes that don't comport with 'official versions' at home. A physical and mental gypsy, he has lived decades in Chicago and New York City, and now-a refugee from winter-lives in California.