Futurefarmers (for this project Amy Franceschini and Michael Swaine), founded in 1994 in San Francisco, is an international group of artists, activists, farmers, and architects who work collaboratively to reimagine the environment and one's place in it.

Peter Galison is Pellegrino University Professor of the History of Science and of Physics at Harvard University. He is the author of Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps: Empires of Time, How Experiments End, and Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics, among other books, and coeditor (with Emily Thompson) of The Architecture of Science (MIT Press, 1999).

Anne Walsh produces works in video, performance, audio, photography, and text. Her work has been shown at galleries and museums including Artists Space, CCS Bard Galleries, Whitney Museum of American Art, Royal College of Art, and The J. Paul Getty Museum. She is Associate Professor of Art Practice at University of California, Berkeley.