A lawyer by day, ADRIAN DEANS has been writing seriously since 1992 developing something of a reputation in the niche field of offbeat crime. Making his debut in 2010, his first two books were popular enough to make it into the airport bookstores.In 2017, he expanded his range with the publication of The Fighting Man - an historical novel reinterpreting the Bayeux Tapestry and culminating with the Battle of Hastings. That book featured also a subtle foray into "the hidden world" - the main romantic interest being a druid, giving the story the ambience (if not the reality) of magic.Welcome to Ord City (2020) extended his range yet again but it is Asparagus Grass in which Adrian finally gives full vent to his speculative fiction soul."You might say everything I've done has had an aspect of spec fiction to it. My first books were technically crime, with a splash of surrealism here and there, but the trajectory has always been towards spec fiction and sci-fi. If I were to describe my own approach and style, I would say that I focus on the oddities and imperfections that others seem to miss. I write about the extraordinary within the ordinary, the strange illogicality of accepted norms and the life that happens between the cracks."Adrian is an occasional contributor to Newswrite - the Writing NSW magazine and blogs at The Book Hammer where he rants about his various obsessions du jour, including books, films, theatre and people in public life who really piss him off. He is also involved with The Kones - a secret musical project, which he's not allowed to talk about.