David Snape spent almost 40 years in Education as a Head Teacher of secondary schools, Chief Examiner, School Adviser and a Local Education Authority officer. On his retirement he continued his interest in Military History by taking M.A. degrees at the University of Wolverhampton. In 2017, he was awarded the prize for best performing postgraduate student in History, Politics and War Studies for his study of the Indian Army in the First World War. He is a regular contributor to the Victorian Military History Society's magazine, Soldiers of the Queen and was awarded the Society's Howard Browne Medal in 2019 for an assessment of Kitchener's Indian Army reforms. He has also contributed to Durbar, the magazine of the Indian Historical Society and Stand To, the Journal of the Western Front Association. This is David's second book; the first was The Rescue they called a Raid, a study of the Jameson Raid and published by Helion in 2020.