Kevin Baker is pastor of First United Methodist Church in Graham, North Carolina. He has an MDiv from Duke Divinity School and received his undergraduate degree at Southern Nazarene University. He has a passion for mission and loves exploring innovational ways to engage believers and unbelievers with the beauty of the gospel.

In addition to being a full-time pastor, Kevin has also served as adjunct faculty for Duke Divinity School and has experience with coaching, facilitating outreach and evangelism, and integrating technology in ministry. He has taught Course of Study for Pastors at Duke and a new Central American pastors school in El Salvador. Kevin loves writing and preaching. He has written for The Christian Century, The General Board of Discipleship, Upper Room Books, Abingdon Press, and other curriculum for The United Methodist Publishing House.

During his free time, you may often find him reading, writing, playing basketball, or hiking. He and his wife, Denise, have three children: Sarah, Zachary, and Rachel.