Jonathan Chateau grew up on a steady diet of Stephen King novels and over-the-top action movies from the 80's & 90's. In college, he studied business, discovered his love for sarcasm and wrote screenplays on the side. However, once he started writing novellas & novels, he was hooked, as they allowed him much more "literary legroom." And it's no surprise that he's often told that his work reads like a movie - to which he takes as a compliment. His goal is always to write the kind of stories that he'd want to read, but ultimately hopes you'll enjoy reading them as well. When he's not writing, he's practicing air-guitar solos, painting Warhammer miniatures, wandering the aisles of Home Depot aimlessly until a DIY project calls out to him, or he's spending time with his family and friends. He resides in Tampa, Florida and is one of the rare Floridians who enjoys when the weather drops below 60 degrees.