Eng Chew is Professor of Business and IT Strategy at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), and part-time Gartner Advisor (2005 -2008), he held the UTS-Gartner Chair of Business and IT Strategy at UTS.He is a former Chief Information Office of SingTel Optus, and has over 25 years of industry experience in IT and Telecommunications in Australia. His achievements include delivery of several hundreds of million Australian dollars of business value through business process re-engineering and organizational transformation. Under the Gartner Chair, he has produced insightful research papers for Gartner on China’s ICT telecommunications industry market trends, China’s ICT R&D and education institutions, and China’s CIO leadership maturity. Prior to Optus, Professor Chew had held senior roles with Telstra Research Laboratories, Australian Centre for Unisys Software, and Digital Equipment Corporation. He had also held the Chair of the joint International Standards Organization-International Telecommunications Union (ISO/ITU) Standards Committee on Open Distributed Processing (1992-97). Professor Chew’s research interest is on information and technology management and leadership particularly in the context of service innovation. With his PhD research students, current research investigations include: leadership and innovation, business-IT alignment, business process management, service architecture, and organizational factors of information security and enterprise architecture. He also leads a UTS research unit on business intelligence and information management for commercial applications. He teaches graduate class to IT and business professionals in IT Strategy and Management, within the IT Management Program of UTS, on which this book is based. Professor Chew also serves as consultant to industry. He has advised companies in Australia and Asia Pacific region. He is a non-executive board director of an IT firm. Professor Chew received his BE from the University of Melbourne, M.Eng.Sc. and PhD from the University of Sydney all in electrical engineering. His PhD research was in telecommunications software controlled switching systems.