Alex is camper in business clothes. He is a husband and father of two teenage boys. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the US and Canada as well as a Certified Energy Manager. He spent his youth developing a love for nature and the outdoors. Through his childhood, he worked as a paperboy, farm worker, handyman, and eventually as a carpenter during his University years as he studied at McGill University in Montreal to become an engineer. His early career was spent as a consulting engineer working in the fields of geotechnical, civil and structural engineering in the commercial construction and development industry. Over the past 8 years, he has worked for the YMCA of Greater Toronto, managing their properties, renovations, as well as the design and construction of new buildings. Alex has a deep passion for infusing environmental sustainability into every aspect of his work and enjoys speaking with companies and at conferences about his successes and failures. This book is his first one and has sparked a new love for writing. It will not be his last.