Mark Pasnik, Michael Kubo, and Chris Grimley are collaborators in the design firm OverUnder and codirectors of pinkcomma gallery, Boston.
Mark Pasnik is an associate professor of architecture at Wentworth Institute of Technology and has taught previously at the California College of the Arts, Carnegie Mellon University, Northeastern University, and Rhode Island School of Design.
Michael Kubo is an assistant professor of architectural history and theory at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design, University of Houston. He holds an M.Arch from Harvard and a Ph.D. from MIT, where his dissertation focused on The Architects Collaborative and the rise of the architectural corporation after 1945.
Chris Grimley is an adjunct professor at Northeastern University and has taught previously at the University of British Columbia, Rhode Island School of Design, and Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The Heroic Project was launched in 2009 with an exhibition at pinkcomma gallery and has since appeared at the Art Institute of Chicago, Boston Architectural College, Boston City Hall, Carnegie Museum of Art, Cooper Union, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and other venues. Heroic has received honors from Docomomo US, Boston Preservation Alliance, Historic New England, and the Boston Society of Architects, and has been the topic of more than fifty reviews in journals and publications ranging from the New York Review of Books and Harvard Design Magazine to Slate and Gizmodo. They have also collaborated in the production of Imagining the Modern: Architecture, Urbanism, and the Pittsburgh Renaissance (2019), and Henry N. Cobb: Words & Works 1948–2018 (2018), both published by The Monacelli Press.