Ted Scheu has been described as an eight-year-old children's poet stuck in a grown-up's body. He is a former elementary teacher in Vermont, where he lives and writes next door to happy cows. He visits schools around the country as a teacher/author and loves helping kids like himself find their writer's voices in poetry. Ted's poems may be found in six of his own collections--I Froze My Mother, I Tickled My Teachers, I Threw My Brother Out, Now I Know My ZBCs, Getting the Best of Me, and his latest, a tribute to teachers through kids' eyes (Ted's kid-eyes) called Someday I'll be a Teacher--plus in over two dozen well-known poetry anthologies worldwide. He mostly writes about kids' crazy-busy lives in schools, at home, and in-between--that is, when he's not riding his bike or eating cereal with extra milk, both as fast as he can, like any kid his age.