Lupita Vital Cruz is the Director of Hispanic Apostolate for the Diocese of San Jose. Prior to that, Lupita was the Director for the Hispanic Catechetical Ministry, a position she held since 2000. She also served as Pastoral Associate at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in San Jose for fourteen years.

Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, M�xico, Lupita has ministered in this Diocese for more than twenty years. She has worked in catechetical and liturgical ministries at both the parish and diocesan levels and has shared her experience and expertise with dioceses in Mexico as well as other dioceses in the U.S.

Lupita's academic accomplishments include a degree in Biblical and Catechetical Studies from the Biblical School of Studies, Guadalajara, M�xico, degrees in theology from Notre Dame University and the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Pastoral Life and Administration from Loyola University, New Orleans, a California Master Catechist Certificate, and a Masters in Catechesis from Santa Clara University.

Lupita Vital es la directora del apostolado hispano de la Di�cesis de San Jose. Originaria de Guadalara, Jalisco en M�xico, Lupita ha sido parte de esta di�cesis por m�s de 25 a�os. Ha trabajado en los ministerios catequ�ticos y lit�rgicos a nivel parroquial y diocesano compartiendo su experiencia con las di�cesis de M�xico y a trav�s de los Estados Unidos.