David Cruz Ortiz obtained a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute in June 2013, and the Advanced Technology Master’s Degree from the same institute in December 2015. He obtained his Ph.D. in Automatic Control Sciences from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN) in February 2020 at Mexico City. During his Ph.D. studies, he did a research internship in Lille, France, at the INRIA with professor Andrey Polyakov. He is currently an associate professor in the medical robotics and biosignal processing laboratory at the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Biotechnology (UPIBI-IPN). His research activities include teaching experience at the bachelor level with courses such as dynamic systems, digital systems, circuit analysis, digital signal and image processing, and medical instrumentation at UPIBI-IPN. As part of his academic activities, he has served as co-advisor of 7 bachelor thesis aside from 2 theses at the master level. Related to the development of scientific projects, he has served as co-investigator of five research projects and as the principal investigator of three more. David Cruz Ortiz has published 19 articles in JCR journals and more than 25 articles in national and international conferences in automatic control, robotic systems, and biomedical engineering. In addition, he served as a program chair member of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE) in 2020. His main research interests include robust control and bilateral control theories and the design, construction, and control of bio-inspired robotic systems. Its areas of interest.