Angel D. Sappa received his Electro Mechanical Engineering degree (1995) from National University of La Pampa, Argentina, and his PhD degree in Industrial Engi- neering (1999) from Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. In 2003, after research positions in France (LAAS-CNRS), the UK (UK Advanced Robotics) and Greece (ITI-CERTH), he joined the Computer Vision Center, Barcelona, Spain, where he currently holds a Senior Scientist position. Since 2016 he is a full professor at the ESPOL Polytechnic University, Guayaquil, Ecuador, where he leads the com- puter vision team at CIDIS research center; he is the director of the Electrical Engi- neering PhD program. His research interests include cross-spectral image processing and representation; 3D data acquisition, processing, and modeling; and computer vi- sion applications. He published about 200 papers in international journals and con- ference proceedings and served as program committee member in several interna- tional conferences. He has been involved in several national, regional and interna- tional research projects and several technological transfer projects; he has been the cofounder of VINTRA Inc. (San Francisco, USA) and Crowdmobile S.L. (Barcelona, Spain). He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).