"Greg Dempsey resides with his wife, Michele, in Modesto, CA. Born in Redwood City, CA. he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Francisco. His interest in the history of fl ight was encouraged by his mother who used to tell him stories about her years as a stewardess with T.W.A. After becoming semi-retired he struck up an acquaintance with Tom Hillier, owner of the Hillier Air Museum at the Modesto Airport. Th e airport is home to the Central Valley Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force, an organization which holds monthly fund raisers to keep historical planes fl ying. For Greg and Michele, the gatherings at the hangars and a visit with Tom Hillier are a unique opportunity to experience the history of fl ight fi rst hand; passed down in stories and exhibits by the men and women who made it possible."