Vicki is currently Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Ashridge Executive Education, part of Hult International Business School, having previously held positions at Dean of Faculty and Global Director of Research.

Vicki specialises in well-being research, specifically related to memory and sleep. She has spent nearly 20 years researching memory, the impact of poor memory, how to improve memory and the effects of reduced sleep with a variety of individuals including older adults, children, forensic populations and employees. More recent research and teaching interests include the relationship between sleep, well-being and derailment and the relationship between sleep and resilience in management populations.

Vicki also researches and teaches in the field of adult pedagogy, specifically in relation to learning transfer and how to make learning experiences 'sticky'.

Vicki works with a range of clients from across the world, teaching leadership development, along with sharing her research findings. Her latest book The Business of Sleep is published by Bloomsbury and is due out in March 2018.

Vicki studied Psychology at Manchester University, followed by an MPhil and PhD in Psychology from Lancaster University and an MSc in Applied Forensic Psychology from Leicester University. She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.