Ever since he can remember J.L. Moore has lulled himself to sleep brewing up adventures for his dreams. Over the years the adventures mingled themselves into a story. And if you really want to know the author, read it. The characters unwittingly reveal more about the writer than the writer himself intends. IN THE REAL WORLD... When he isn't writing, Joshua works doing his part as a coffee consultant... mostly in Texas. After all, without an abundant source of excellent coffee those early morning writing sessions would be early morning snooze sessions... and even sometimes with. He has a number of years to him and looks older than he is and acts younger. He is mischievous, in a delightful kind of way. But also responsible. Yes... he is responsible for a great deal of things. His eyebrows reveal his mood as uncontrollably as a dogs tail. He loves trudging through ancient forest, flying madly down snowy mountains, and haphazardly tackling white capped waves. He likes to work and hates to toil. He enjoyed writing this, but feels odd about referring to himself as he.