​Daniel Hales is the author of the hybrid novel, Run Story (Shape&Nature Press), and three poetry chapbooks: Shake My Ashes, Blind Drive, and Tempo Maps (which comes with the companion CD Miner Street Symphony). His poetry, flash fiction, and hybrid writing have appeared in Verse Daily, Conduit, Booth, Quarter After Eight, and many other journals. He rocks out with The Frost Heaves and Hales, The Ambiguities, and Umbral. Umbral's second album, F#requency 14, is forthcoming from Spork Press. He lives on a minor street in western Massachusetts, but is happiest in his kayak. His poetry collection, �C�mo Hacer Preguntas? or How To Make Questions: 69 Instructional Poems in English, is forthcoming in 2020 from Frayed Edge Press.