Angela Bonifati is a full professor of computer science at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and affiliated with the CNRS Liris research lab. She received her Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano in 2002 and right after she was a postdoctoral researcher at INRIA Roquencourt. Her current research interests are on the interplay of relational and graph-shaped data paradigms, particularly on schema mapping and data exchange, query processing, and learning for these data models. She was Vice Chair of ICDE 2018 for the information extraction, data cleaning, and curation track and Vice Chair of ICDE 2011 for the semi-structured data track. She is Associate Editor of the VLDB Journal, ACM TODS, and Distributed and Parallel Databases. She is a member-at-large of the ICDT council and serving on the program committees of SIGMOD, PODS, PVLDB, ICDE, and EDBT.