John J. Kinder is Associate Professor of Italian and Head of the Department of European Languages and Studies at the University of Western Australia. After studying the language of Italian migrants and their families, he co-wrote a grammar of Italian (Using Italian: A Guide to Contemporary Usage) and a multi-media history of the Italian language (Culture and Language of Italy). A series of chance encounters led to a new interest, the presence of the Italian language in Western Australia in the century before post-World War II mass migration. Joshua Brown teaches Italian at the University of Western Australia. His research interests include the language history of Italy, particularly northern vernaculars in the Middle Ages, as well as socio-linguistics of contemporary Italy. He has previously published on the spread of Tuscan in northern Italy during the 1400s in Italica as well as the social variation of Milanese vernacular in merchant texts in Italian Studies. Joshua was New Norcia's Abbot Placid Spearritt Memorial Scholar for 2012-2013.