Albert C. Hine is the Associate Dean of Research, and Geological Oceanography Professor at the University of South Florida: Department of Marine science / College of Marine Science. He holds a Ph.D. from University of South Carolina-Columbia. Dr. Hine is a broadly-trained geological oceanographer who has addressed sedimentary geology and stratigraphy problems from the estuarine system out to the base of slope. Along with his associates and graduate students, they have defined the response of coastal and shelf depositional systems to sea-level fluctuations, climate changes, western boundary currents, antecedent topography, and sediment supply. Specifically this includes geologic origin and evolution of submerged paleo-shorelines, reefs (relict and active), shelf sand bodies, open marine marsh systems, barrier islands, and back-barrier environments and how they might have interacted with each other in the past. Areas of specialization for Dr. Hine include: Geologic processes and products of shallow marine sedimentary environments. Development, history, stratigraphy, and sedimentation of carbonate platforms. Coastal geology, coastal wetlands, sequence stratigraphy, interpretation of seismic reflection data and seafloor mapping and interpretation.