Gail White has published three previous books of poetry; The Price of Everything (Edward Mellen Press, 2002), Easy Marks (WordTech Communications, 2008) and The Accidental Cynic (Prospero World's Press, 2009) and several chapbooks, the latest being Sonnets in a Hostile World. She has edited three anthologies, including coediting The Muse Strikes Back: A Poetic Response by Women to Men (Story Line Press, 1997). Gail is widely published and her poetry has appeared in such journals as Measure, Raintown Review, First Things, and Mezzo Cammin, and in anthologies such as Villanelles and Killer Verse, both from Pocket Poets. Gail received the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award for 2012 and 2013. She lives with her husband and three cats in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana.