Martin Khor is the Director of Third World Network. TWN is one of a number of non-governmental organizations in different parts of the developing world which are concerned with understanding and influencing global policy. In this capacity, he has acted as a strong advocate on behalf of citizens' groups in the Third World on a range of international issues, including sustainable development, biosafety and other environmental questions, and the impact of globalization on the development prospects of the South. He received his original training in economics at the University of Cambridge.

He is a board member of the Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP), the South Centre in Geneva, and the International Forum on Globalization. He is also a former Vice Chairman of the UN Commission on Human Rights Expert Group on the Right to Development. He travels widely on speaking and other engagements and is the author of several books and numerous papers, occasional publications and newspaper articles on trade, development and environmental matters.