23 books • 5 series
The Champions Of Jardenia
Determined Declan (The Murphy Kids)
Growen Owen
You've got the Gig!
Power Game
The Amnesia Stone
Enneagram (Emotional Intelligence, #2)
Common Sense 2.0
Stream Analytics with Microsoft Azure
Soaring Century
You Wouldn't Like Me Without My Coffee
A Shot and a Prayer
A Transition Matrix for Two Bases of the Integral Cohomology of the Hilbert Scheme of Points in the Projective Plane
An Idiot Staring Defensively Into the Past
Drexel University 2012
The Redcoats
Drexel University (College Prowler: Drexel University College Off the Record)
Down with the Ship
Drexel University College (College Prowler: Drexel University College Off the Record)
Round One (Popular, #1)
Popular: Round One (Popular, #1)