Victor Alexander is an African American author born in the southern United States in 1988. His love of literature and writing was nurtured from an early age, and he published his first short story at 19 years old while still in undergrad. After a brief conversation with a young woman he was dating at the time, Victor decided to give writing erotica a try, and began posting short stories on a blog he ran called I Write Sinful Travesties. 3 years after his storytelling began online, he decided on the them for his first novel - a BDSM-themed romance that would focus on what he liked about both genres and fix things he didn't like about either genre. Thus was born Within the Frame as a concept. Coalescing some of his short stories into a separate book series of their own and creating new art for his work all the time, Victor continues to adapt and evolve his understanding of the genres in which he works through dilligent research and an open mind.