Louise Cotnoir has published seventeen books of poetry, fiction and drama. She was twice nominated for the Governor General's Award for Poetry, most recently for Les îles (2005). Dis-moi que j'imagine was a finalist for the prestigious Académie des lettres du Québec poetry prize (1996). She has participated in numerous conferences on women and writing, notably Women and Words (Vancouver, 1983), L'écriture des femmes au Québec (Sweden, 1992), L'originalité de l'écriture au féminin au Québec (New Jersey, 1995). She has contributed to or served on the editorial boards of Sorcières (Paris), Estuaire, Arcade, Tessera, Matrix, Moebius, Room of One's Own, Ellipse, Trivia (USA), Silencíada Festada Palabra (Barcelona), El Ciervo (Barcelona) and Cahiers internationaux du symbolisme (Brussels). Her work has been translated into English, Spanish, Catalan, Finnish and Chinese. Her last collection of poetry, Les soeurs de, appeared with Éditions du Noroît (2011), with a stage adaptation in Ottawa (2012) and Montréal (2013). Les îles, translated by Oana Avasilichioaei, appeared as The Islands in 2011. She lives in Montréal.

Oct 19, 2013
Cover of Theory, a Sunday

Theory, a Sunday