Born in Catford, England, Carolyn grew up in Southern California, where she studied art and psychology at UCLA. In 1980, she moved to her cliff-side home high above the Pacific Ocean in Big Sur, where she studies, writes, and paints amidst the surrounding wilderness. A passion for creative expression and a lifelong fascination with spiritual transformation have propelled Carolyn to become an award-winning poet, writer, and artist. Her eleven books have been used as inspirational texts in universities and healing centers and are featured along with the writings of seven other acclaimed woman writers in a continuing course, "The Other Half of the Sky: Eight Woman Writers," at Swansea University in Wales. Carolyn is the author of SOUL SEEDS: REVELATIONS & DRAWINGS (2008), VAGABOND DAWNS (2009) and PSYCHE OF MIRRORS: A PROMENADE OF PORTRAITS (2012), all from Cross-Cultural Communications. Carolyn's art is featured internationally in galleries, museums, private collections, and multimedia presentations.