Jason McNamara is a storyteller with experience in print, digital, and animation. He is also a professor at Pacific Northwest College of Art where he teaches scriptwriting.

He is the creator (or co-creator) of numerous graphic novel titles, including The Rattler, The Cicada, SUCKER, Ghost-Band, Nocturnal Commissions, Short-Hand, The Martian Confederacy, First-Moon, Continuity and Less Than Hero.

Born and raised on Long Island, Jason spent his summers and weekends working on his father’s clam boat (he still hates seafood). He left for the west coast before his accent became irreversible and after a 13-year stint in the Bay Area he, his wife and their two dogs have settled in Portland Oregon.

Jason has a degree in communication, has a blue belt in MMA, can drive a manual transmission and is certified in ASL (but is very out of practice).

His dream project would be to write the sequel to Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. No, really.