Mike Shel (not his real name) was born in Detroit,  Michigan in 1964 and grew up in the suburb of Dearborn, the hometown of Henry Ford, genius industrialist and virulent anti-Semite nutjob.  Mike has also lived in southern Illinois, Louisville, Kentucky, Atlanta, Georgia, and now Indianapolis, Indiana. 

After writing two adventures for Dungeon Magazine in the early 90s, he crawled down a deep, dark hole.  He emerged 15 years later, Rip Van Winkle-like, looked around for a moment, then crawled back down again.  Re-emerging after another 3 years, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and began freelancing for Paizo Publishing and third-party publishers like Kobold Press and Legendary Games. 

Mike is currently hard at work on his dark epic fantasy trilogy entitled ICONOCLASTS.  The first and second books, ACHING GOD and SIN EATER, are available now in digital, print, and audiobook format. He is hard at work on the third, IDOLS FALL.