11 books
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Gatewalkers (P2)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Gatewalkers Special Edition (P2)
Battlezoo Jewel of the Indigo Isles (Pathfinder 2e)
Battlezoo Bestiary (Pathfinder 2e)
Battlezoo Jewel of the Indigo Isles (5E)
Battlezoo Bestiary (5E)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Vengeance Part 3 - The Inferno Gate
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Giantslayer Part 1 - Battle of Bloodmarch Hill
Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragons Unleashed
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary