Al Lester was born in Nelson, the second youngest of four children. As a young man, he played rugby, golf, softball and basketball, all at representative level. He even clocked up 125 skydives before moving on to his adult life. After eight years in banking, Al jumped ship and, in 1985, joined the New Zealand Police. At a solid 6'4'', perhaps he was better suited to the latter role. He was drawn to the investigation side of policing and spent 28 years working in the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) as a detective and detective sergeant. Al handed in his handcuffs at age 55, while still in possession of his sense of humour and most of his marbles. Al is also the author of nine books of hunting yarns and is still an avid hunter with a love of the mountains and a liking for a cold beer. He lives in Christchurch.