Since a young age, Jason Michael Primrose has had an obsession with creating alternate worlds, realities, and characters in his free time. Out of this, the Lost Children of Andromeda universe was born. ZOSMA is the series' first story, taking Primrose's observation and understanding of society's intricacies to explore how the current crisis of our socioeconomic and political landscape has put us on an accelerated path toward extinction. This could be humanity's last generation.
For nearly ten years, Jason Michael Primrose has used his creative abilities to impact the entertainment, fashion, and tech industries. Although not exactly prose, using the power of storytelling for consumer products in those fields has blossomed into a wealth of experience in brand strategy, creative direction, re- tail merchandising, and in celebrity partnerships as an influencer. Currently, he's working on completing the next six novels in the Lost Children of Andromeda series.